I specialize in perinatal mental health, major life transitions, patterns of addiction and codependency, depression and anxiety, sexual trauma and PTSD. I enjoy working with clients who are willing to be curious, open, and committed to this process. I will meet you with compassion, honesty and my own curiosity.
Consultations are not a substitute for therapy.
I am licensed to practice psychotherapy in the state of Oregon where I see clients in-person and online. Clients from other states can request a single hour, or a package of sessions, as a consultant or mentor. Consulting and mentorship clients do not receive diagnosis, treatment planning, or insurance reimbursement.
Consultations might be helpful for:
*New or expectant parents who want support around their transition to parenthood
*Creatives and artists who are looking to birth new work, or are looking for deeper clarity in their creative life
*Those who want to explore the mother archetype
If you are curious if a consultation is right for you, please email me.
I am available as my schedule permits for education and events pertaining to motherhood, birth, creativity and support. In the past I have collaborated with Alma Midwifery, Pom Pom Social (RIP), Nyssa, The Good Trade and more. Please contact me for more information, or schedule a consultation.
I am in network with BCBC, Moda, UHC, Cigna and Pacificsource. Please contact your insurance directly about copays and coinsurance.
Private pay sessions are $150 for the hour.
I hold a few appointments for folks who may need a lower fee or sliding scale. Please reach out if that feels like something you might need.